Monstera lechleriana

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Monstera Lechleriana Care: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - Houseplant Authority monstera lechleriana. The Monstera Lechleriana is a low-maintenance plant with a simple care regime. It requires quality, well-draining soil and a sturdy planter, somewhere to climb or trail, plenty of water, and sufficient light and humidity monstera lechleriana. Occasional fertilization is beneficial to help it thrive. monstera lechleriana. Monstera Lechleriana vs Epipremnoides (Különbségek és hasonlóságok .. A Monstera Lechleriana egy ritka Adansonii növény; beszerezheti egy jó hírű online növényboltban vagy az ilyen ritka növények tartásáról ismert faiskolában. Mi az a Monstera Adansonii Epipremnoides? A Monstera Adansonii Epipremnoides egy lenyűgöző Monstera Adansonii fajta, amely Costa Rica trópusi erdőiből származik.. Monstera Lechleriana Care - All You Need To Know - Plantophiles. Learn how to grow and care for Monstera Lechleriana, a tropical houseplant with split leaves. Find out about its soil, water, light, temperature, humidity, and common problems. monstera lechleriana. Monstera lechleriana - Wikipedia. Monstera lechleriana is a flowering plant in the genus Monstera in the arum family, Araceae. It is considered to be a rare plant

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. However, a section of plant owners grows them as houseplants. A lightly rooted stem cutting can cost upwards of $200. Uses monstera lechleriana. It is used medicinally. Distribution. Monstera Lechleriana Vs Monstera Adansonii (Differences And .

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. Learn how to distinguish and care for these two similar but different Monstera species. Compare their holes, watering, growth, height, fertilization and more.

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. How to Grow Monstera Lechleriana | Identification and Care. Monstera Lechleriana is a beautiful but quite rare monstera variety thats much sought-after for its shaped leaves and fenestration pattern. How to Grow Monstera Lechleriana | Identification and Care. Monstera lechleriana "Monkey Leaf" (L) - inplanted. Monstera lechleriana "Monkey Leaf" (L), Leírás: Közép-és Dél-Amerikában elterjedt trópusi kúszónövény; tojásdad levelei gyűröttek, középzöldek, szórta Monstera lechleriana "Monkey Leaf" (L) - inplanted. Monstera Lechleriana - The Contented Plant. Shop Monstera Lachleriana on Etsy! The lechleriana is another stunning specimen from the Araceae plant family. Monstera Lechleriana originates in Central America. Like other monsteras is requires warmth and lots of humidity monstera lechleriana. These are plant members of the tropical rainforests. These are epiphytes.. Monstera Lechleriana Care and Growing Guide - Balcony Garden Web. Monstera Lechleriana—a captivating houseplant thats an undiscovered gem in the vast Monstera family monstera lechleriana. With its uniquely patterned leaves resembling a mosaic of green art, this tropical beauty is a living statement piece that promises to elevate your indoor garden to new heights!. Monstera Lechleriana: Care & Propagation Guide - The Plant Guide. Monstera Lechleriana: Care & Propagation Guide. Monstera Lechleriana, also known as the Monstera Dragon Tail, is a stunning houseplant with unique leaves that resemble the shape of a dragons tail. This tropical plant is native to Central and South America and is becoming increasingly popular among houseplant enthusiasts.. Monstera lechleriana - Outplanted monstera lechleriana. Learn how to buy, care for and propagate the Swiss cheese plant, also known as Monstera lechleriana. Find out why your plant might turn yellow and what similar plants you might love.. Monstera Lechleriana Care (#1 Tips & What to AVOID!). The Monstera Lechleriana is a beautifully fenestrated tropical plant with large leaves. Its easygoing nature makes it perfect for beginners. For it to thrive, Provide it bright, indirect light monstera lechleriana. Choose a pot with drainage holes. Use the soak and dry method, making sure to water only when the topsoil is dry.. Monstera lechleriana Including Variegated Profile and Care. Learn how to identify, grow, and care for Monstera lechleriana, a tropical houseplant with large leaves and elliptical holes. Find out how it differs from Monstera adansonii and laniata, and how to get variegated forms. monstera lechleriana. Monstera Lechleriana: Care Guide - Plant Vessel. What Are The Best Conditions For Growing The Monstera Lechleriana Plant? Read on for all the information you need on taking care of your Monstera Lechleriana plant!! Light Conditions. This plant is quite fussy with its light conditions and it can take a few tries to get this right. monstera lechleriana. Monstera Lechleriana Care - Ultimate Care Guide - Teak And Terracotta. Monstera Lechleriana Care Summary. Light needs: Medium to bright indirect sunlight. Watering needs: Check weekly, water if top 70% of soil is dry. Fertilizer: A well diluted balanced fertilizer once a month in spring and summer. Soil: A well draining soil with 20% perlite. monstera lechleriana. Monstera Lechleriana Care And Grow: The Ultimate Guide

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. Monstera Lechleriana is a seriously good-looking and highly desired tropical plant from the arum family, originally from Central America, and known as both the Swiss cheese plant and the variegated monstera monstera lechleriana. Its big, shiny leaves often have round holes in them, along with cool yellow-green streaks that really make it pop among other plants. monstera lechleriana. Monstera lechleriana Care and Propagation - Homes Pursuit. Monstera lechleriana is harmful, toxic, or poisonous to humans and pets. This means that it is dangerous to dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, bearded dragons, and other pets. Keep it off your kids and pets. The toxicity principle is insoluble calcium oxalates or raphides.. Monstera Lechleriana - Plant Care Tips - The Jungle Collective. Monstera Lechleriana Lighting & Position Monstera comes from the wet forests of Mexico, so they thrive in a warm and well-lit position with lots of bright, indirect light

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. Keep them away from open windows, drafts and heating/cooling units as they wont like cold drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.. Beautiful and unique Monstera Lechleriana plants create . - YouTube


729K views 6 months ago. The Monstera Lechleriana is a rare but beautiful houseplant that is sought after for its large, unique looking leaves monstera lechleriana. It is related to the Monstera Adansonii and has some .. Monstera Lechleriana [Ultimate Grow and Care Hacks] - Plants Craze. Monstera Lechleriana only needs a few hours of your watch time every week. The plant is well-suited for indoors. But since its a tropical plant, you must mimic a similar forest-like environment for its growth monstera lechleriana. Have a look at the detailed cultural care guide for Monstera Lechleriana below. monstera lechleriana


Monstera Lechleriana Care: The Plant That Has Holes in Its Leaves. Monstera lechleriana is a large evergreen plant of the Araceae family that is generally a rare species to find, but if you do get your hands on this beautiful plant, you will learn that it is very easy to grow, propagate and take care of this Monstera genus plant.. Caring For The Super Rare Monstera Lechleriana Variegated - Garden Lively. It belongs to the Monstera genus and is a member of the Araceae family, which also includes other popular houseplants such as the Peace Lily and ZZ Plant monstera lechleriana. This plant is known for its striking variegated leaves, a mix of green and white with patches of pure white on some leaves monstera lechleriana. Each plants variegation pattern is unique, adding to the plant .. Monstera Laniata vs Lechleriana: Similarities and Differences In Care .

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. The main difference between Monstera laniata and lechleriana is that Laniata is a variety of Monstera adansonii and is quite a bit larger. Its leaves are also bigger and have more fenestrations, which are also larger in size. Both Monstera varieties are easy to grow, but Laniata can be grown comparatively in more United States hardiness zones.. Monstera Adansonii Var. Laniata Care Best Care Tips - Plantophiles monstera lechleriana. The Monstera adansonii variation laniata is the most common Monstera type in the US. There is an ongoing debate on whether var. laniata is rare or common, and countless posts online argue about the differences between Monstera Adansonii, Adansonii var monstera lechleriana. laniata, and Monstera lechleriana monstera lechleriana. The Monstera adansonii var. laniata needs indirect sunlight.You want to use well-draining soil because it .. Monstera Lechleriana Vs Monstera Adansonii: Differences And Similarities. Monstera adansonii is a far more delicate plant than Monstera lechleriana, which becomes apparent in a few care needs. One noticeable difference in care needs is the amount of fertilizer. Monstera adansonii is a fast grower who needs a decent amount of feeding in spring and summer.. The Ultimate Guide to Monstera Varieties (22 Types) - The Houseplant Fairy. Monstera Lechleriana Facts. Monstera Lechleriana has large foliage similar to Adansonii. But the holes of Monstera Lechleriana develop in the centre of the leaves instead, along the centre ridge of the leaf (or midrib). This variety has oval-shaped leaves that are leathery, glossy green, and have a pale underside.. 43 Different Types Of Monstera (With Pictures) - Houseplant Alley. Monstera lechleriana monstera lechleriana. Monstera lechleriana is a species of tropical climbing plant in the genus Monstera and family Araceae. It is known for its highly fenestrated leaves, which develop holes as the plant matures monstera lechleriana. Young plants may not have any holes at all, which can make it difficult to identify them.. Monstera Acacoyaguensis Care: The Ultimate Guide. Monstera lechleriana vs acacoyaguensis. The main difference between Monstera lechleriana and Monstera acacoyaguensis is the shape and fenestrations of their leaves. The acacoyaguensis has a thicker spadix and tightly rolled juvenile leaves, with very few fenestrations as the plant matures. The lechleriana also tends to grow taller. monstera lechleriana. 21 Popular and Rare Monstera Varieties You Should Know About monstera lechleriana. Monstera acacoyaguensis is a tropical climbing plant from Central America. People often confuse this with Monstera lechleriana, but the two have several distinct differences. The main difference between the two is their foliage. A Monstera acacoyaguensis has more prominent oval fenestration, and the leaves roll as the plant matures.. Monstera Laniata Care: The Ultimate Guide (2024) - Houseplant Authority monstera lechleriana. Monstera Acuminata have smaller fenestrations than Laniata, which has bigger holes more akin to something like the Monstera Lechleriana - although the Acuminata has more of them per leaf. They are also less ordered and further from the center rib. Additionally, the Acuminata has smaller, darker leaves overall.. Heres Where to Buy All of Joanna Gainess Favorite Houseplants - AOL. Monstera Lechleriana monstera lechleriana. Within the monstera family, this particular variety is super rare, so if you want a plant that few people have, this is the option for you. They thrive in bright, indirect .. Beautiful Houseplants Joanna Gaines Keeps Around Her House. The red congo philodendron is a stellar plant to add pops of color to your space — just ask Joanna Gaines brick fireplace mantel. Its baby leaves are a rich dark red that slowly turns green as it matures, reaching up to 3 feet monstera lechleriana. Not only is this philodendron gorgeous, but it helps purify the air and is low maintenance.. Variegated Monsteras guide: Plant Care & Where to buy them monstera lechleriana. Monstera obliqua Variegata This Monstera should come with a warning as not being the best option for a complete beginner. The size of the holes can comprise up to 90% of the entire leaf. This is a scarce plant, and a Monstera adansonii is often wrongly sold as a Monstera obliqua monstera lechleriana. Monstera Lechleriana albo Variegata. Tipos de Monstera - Nombres y fotos - Monstera lechleriana Es otra de las especies grandes de Monstera, pero es poco frecuente. Las hojas juveniles tienen pocas fenestras o ninguna. Cuando las tienen, estas aberturas son casi de forma circular. Cuando maduran las hojas pueden llegar a medir 30 centímetros de largo.. Variedades Monstera: 21 tipos de plantas Monstera (lista completa com .. A Monstera Lechleriana tem uma presença fabulosa. As folhas monstruosas assumem um formato oval e assimétrico com lindas perfurações. Mais importante ainda, a planta tropical é descontraída e requer requisitos mínimos de manutenção monstera lechleriana. Se você fornecer as condições certas, ela se transformará em uma planta monstruosa com folhagem . monstera lechleriana. Monstera Lechleriana vs. Adansonii: Key Differences and Similarities .. Monstera lechleriana leaves are fewer, having around ten leaves on the top of the stem, and are larger. Mature Monstera lechleriana leaves can reach approximately 45 inches and a width of 20 inches. In contrast, Monstera Adansonii leaves are more in number and are shorter, with juvenile Monstera adansonii leaves being four inches long.. Monstera Karstenianum #1 Best Care Guide - Plantophiles monstera lechleriana. The Monstera deliciosa is loved by every Monstera lover monstera lechleriana. This plant isnt only a tropical dream but a tropical treat. Yes, this plant produces fruit. Monstera pinnatipartita. Monstera pinnatipartita plants have stiff and glossy leaves. The glossy leaves bring beauty to the table that other plants arent able to. Monstera adansonii. Which Monstera is it? Guide to the top 10 Monstera varieties. Heres a short (ish), simple (ish) guide comparing some of the most popular and best-known Monstera, from Albo to Obliqua, to introduce this fantastic family and help you work out which Monstera you have. Starting with the big boys, the OG Monstera deliciosa, the Thai Constellation and Albo, then the various Monstera Adansonii (which is where .. Monstera Lechleriana Care and Growing Information. Monstera Lechleriana Care plant_items Fertilizer. Feed Monstera lechleriana monthly during the growing season (spring and summer) using a balanced liquid fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 20-20-20 or 10-10-10 monstera lechleriana. In dormancy (fall and winter), reduce feeding to every 6-8 weeks. Important: Dilute fertilizer to half strength to prevent over .


Monstera acacoyaguensis Care and Propagation - Homes Pursuit. Finally, its adult leaves resemble Monstera lechleriana. But the perforations are more prominent and sometimes arranged in two series. Also, these adult leaves look somewhat like Monstera acuminata but are larger monstera lechleriana. 3. Stems. Stems of juvenile plants are smooth and greenish. They have internodes that are about 0.8 to 1.6 inches long.. Monstera Laniata vs Adansonii: 3 Helpful Ways To Tell Them Apart. Monstera Lechleriana. Although the Monstera Lechleriana resembles our favorite Adansonii, it grows more rapidly and occupies a lot more space. It produces a tight cluster of 10-15 leaves at the tip of the stem monstera lechleriana. The internodes are also shorter, and the petiole bases overlap, hiding the stem. The Monstera Lechleriana has slightly fewer holes . monstera lechleriana. Lg. Monstera Lechleriana Schott Plant (monstera) - Urban Tropicals. Monstera Lechleriana Schott Plant (monstera) $ 131.99. Lechleriana Schott is an unusually large variety of Monstera with enormous veined leaves with enormous veined leaves up to 3+ feet long and somewhat of a matt finish. As this plant matures small holes will form on the leaves on either side of the central vein.. Monstera Lechleriana (Actual Plant, Over Grown) - Kens Philodendrons. Lechleriana is a huge leaf variety of climbing Monstera with beautiful bicolor green foliage that has the iconic split leaf appearance similar to Monstera Deliciosa. Lechleriana is very easy to grow and prolific when allowed to climb to lofty heights. These are very healthy, climbing tropical plants with well established root systems. monstera lechleriana. 10 Monstera in the wild with pictures - Where to Find Them. Monstera lechleriana can grow to be a large plant, with leaves that can reach up to 10 inches long and 6 inches wide, it features unusually shaped splits and perforations on its leaves which gives it an interesting decorative look that adds color and texture to any landscaping. Its bright yellow blossoms blooming in the wild make Monstera .. Monstera Lechleriana Variegated - Etsy. Monstera Lechleriana - growing in 4" pot - very long - may have damages - needs to attach to a pole- single vine - size varies (5.6k) $ 20.00

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. Add to Favorites Rare Monstera Thai Constellation Variegated TC Well Rooted Starter Plants With FREE Phytosanitary Certificate & Heat Pack, Insulated Packing .. Monstera | Pasning af Monstera | Plantorama. Monstera: Grøn plante med finurlige, hullede blade monstera lechleriana. Monstera er en planteslægt med omkring 50 arter, der oprindeligt stammer fra de tropiske egne af Nord- og Sydamerika. Slægtens latinske navn kommer af ordet monstrøs, og er en henvisning til planternes unikke, hullede blade. Den er også kendt under navnet fingerfilodendron, der undertiden .. Rare Variegated Monstera Lechleriana - Rare Home Plants. The Variegated Monstera Lechleriana plant thrives in bright filtered sunlight and has regular watering needs monstera lechleriana


Its very hardy climates and grows well in soils that are moist and well-draining monstera lechleriana. The extremely rare Monstera Lechleriana is an evergreen species with interesting foliage monstera lechleriana. It hails from the Arum family of plants.. Albo Vs. Thai Constellation: What is the Right . - Monstera Mash monstera lechleriana. At the bottom of the photo is your standard un-variegated Monstera Deliciosa. Monstera Albo and Monstera Thai Constellation are two variegated subtypes of the Monstera Deliciosa plant. Monstera Albo has leaves that are a mix of green and white monstera lechleriana

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Typically, there will be more green than white, and the white will appear either in specks (marbling .. How to Grow and Care for White Wizard Philodendron - The Spruce. Heres how you can propagate your white wizard Philodendron in just a few steps: Before beginning, soak the dried sphagnum moss in a bowl of water for at least 15 minutes to rehydrate it. Using a pair of sharp, sterilized pruning shears or scissors take one or more stem cuttings from a healthy white wizard Philodendron plant.. Monstera In The Wild: What Its Interesting Facts? - Swipe Garden. Monstera lechleriana. Monstera lechleriana is attractive due to the glossy, lance-shaped leaves with a unique split pattern that makes them resemble a birds wing. The split pattern is often called "fenestrations" or "windows." The leaves of the plants are large and impressive and are born on tight-head clusters of 10-15 flowers.. Heres Where to Buy All of Joanna Gainess Favorite Houseplants - Yahoo. Monstera Lechleriana. Within the monstera family, this particular variety is super rare, so if you want a plant that few people have, this is the option for you. They thrive in bright, indirect .. How to Grow and Care for Monstera Deliciosa - The Spruce. Monstera deliciosa, also known as the split-leaf philodendron or Swiss cheese plant, is a tropical plant often kept as a houseplant.This easy-to-grow climbing evergreen can be found in many designer spaces for its "wow" factor

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. Monstera deliciosa makes a statement with its glossy, heart-shaped split leaves. Growing fast, about 1 to 2 feet a year; it takes about three years before you have a .. The Rare Houseplant Monstera Obliqua is Only for the Most Avid . - Thursd. The Monstera Obliqua Peru has a special appearance with its large holes in the leaves. Much lesser known than the larger Monstera Deliciosa, but also an asset to your urban jungle in a modest format. It is a green climbing plant that grows to only a few meters in height. This refers to the bulk of the members characteristic pierced leaves. monstera lechleriana. Types of Monstera Plants: 9 Popular Varieties to Grow Now. Monstera Lechleriana. Extremely rare, the monstera lechleriana has leaves that resemble palm fronds. ©AAN BALI ISLAND/

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. With leaves similar in shape to an alocasia plant, the monstera lechleriana is a great choice for those of you seeking something striking and unique monstera lechleriana. While these plants are often mislabeled as monstera .. Monstera Siltepecana Care - Best Plant Guide 101 - Plantophiles monstera lechleriana


Monstera siltepecana Care. To care for Monstera siltepecana water once the top 2″ (5cm) of the soil (5cm) almost dry out every 5-7 days.Keep the temperature between 60-95°F (16°C -35°C).Provide well-draining aroid mix using peat moss, bark, perlite, and charcoal, as well as bright indirect light. Provide >60% humidity monstera lechleriana. Use a balanced fertilizer at 1/2 strength monthly in the growing season.. Monstera Lechleriana Care (Full Guide) - Garden 24h monstera lechleriana. Additionally, Lechleriana also likes to run horizontally or through hanging baskets. 4. Regularly conduct health inspections. Most houseplant owners already know that prevention is the initial step to treating the problem. A significant part of Monstera Lechleriana care is to check your plant every two or three weeks for indications of ill health.. Philodendrons vs. Monsteras (8 Differences and 10 Similarities). Split-leaf philodendrons mostly grow in an outward direction, unlike the Monsteras upward growth. Monstera heights can reach a mammoth 70 feet tall monstera lechleriana. Nonetheless, in a household setting, theyre approximately 10 to 15 feet tall and 8 feet wide. Split-leaf philodendrons typically reach maturity after reaching 8 to 10 feet high and 6 feet wide.. Monstera Varieties: 16 Types of Monstera For Indoor Growing. Monstera Lechleriana : Juvenile leaves: Borne on a tight head at stem top and overlap on the bases: Monstera Adansonii Leaves are not on clustered head top of the stem. Adult leaves: They have more but smaller perforations. Also, they occur in a series, close to the midrib on either side of the leaf blade. Finally, these fenestrations occur later. Monstera Varieties: 16 Different Types of Monstera Plants - Epic Gardening. The monstera acacoyaguensis is a fast-growing plant that will develop several oval leaves if you care for it properly. This plant is rare and can be expensive to purchase grown plants. Monstera borsigiana Monstera borsigiana is a compact variety of Monstera deliciosa with small leaves. Scientific Name: Monstera borsigiana. Plant Type: Evergreen .. Cuidados esenciales para mantener tu planta monstera saludable y .. La Monstera deliciosa, comúnmente conocida como planta de monstera o costilla de Adán, es una planta de interior popular por su aspecto exótico y fácil cuidado. Aquí te presento los cuidados básicos que esta planta necesita para crecer saludablemente: Luz: La monstera prefiere la luz brillante indirecta o semisombra. Evita exponerla a la .. Chia sẻ kinh nghiệm chăm sóc Monstera Lechleriana monstera lechleriana. Monstera Lechleriana là một loài thường xanh với những tán lá thú vị. Nó thuộc họ thực vật Arum. Các khu rừng nhiệt đới ở Trung Mỹ, bao gồm Mexico và Panama, là môi trường sống tự nhiên của loài thực vật dạng aroid này. Loài nhiệt đới này tạo ra một số lượng lớn lá. monstera lechleriana. Rare Plant Sale | From All Over The World | Rare Indoor Home Plants monstera lechleriana. Variegated Monstera Lechleriana For Sale ( 3 Leaf well rooted top cutting ) $1,400.00 $2,350.00 You Save 40% ($950.00) From $126.36/mo with


View sample plans. 1 item left. Qty. Add to Cart. Subscribe. Find the best selection of the rare plants from all over the world including, the rarest Variegated Monstera Lechleriana, Deliciosa selection.. Monstera Varieties: The Ultimate Guide - Monstera Plant Resource. There are a lot of monstera varieties out there, so heres how to tell what youre buying at the nursery and how to find the right monstera for you!. Unlock the Secrets of Monstera Lechleriana: A Tropical Wonder - BOTGarden. Monstera Lechleriana is a beautiful and unique species of plant, perfect for adding a touch of natures artistry to your space monstera lechleriana. Suited to warm, humid environments, its large, perforated leaves capture the eye, making it a standout in any indoor or outdoor garden monstera lechleriana. Remember, proper care and maintenance are crucial for keeping your Monstera . monstera lechleriana. Monstera Care - 13 Best Plant Care Hacks - Plantophiles. Monstera is my favorite genus, second to none. It is said that it consists of 50 different species but actually no one knows. This article is dedicated to the 13 Best Monstera care hacks to ensure your Monstera stays healthy and is thriving. In addition to talking about the care for the Monstera genus, I created specific in-depth care guides for multiple described Monstera species below.. 12 Majestic Monstera Varieties for Your Indoor Jungle. Monstera lechleriana is a lot less common but probably still deserves a spot on this list. As far as I can tell theyre very similar to Monstera adansonii, with lechleriana having much larger leaves and more central fenestrations (though Ive never seen one in person sadly).. 龟背竹属 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 monstera lechleriana. 鬮背芋 Monstera fortunense Croat Monstera gigas Croat, Zuluaga, M.Cedeño & O.Ortiz< 白冠龜背芋 Monstera glaucescens Croat & Grayum 獻寶龜背芋 Monstera gracilis Engl. 首領龜背芋 Monstera jefense Croat 克氏龜背芋 Monstera kessleri Croat 大仙洞龜背芋 Monstera lechleriana Schott 扁粉龜背芋 Monstera lentii Croat . monstera lechleriana. Monstera Leaves and Fenestration Stages - The Houseplant Fairy. 4) Provide Your Monstera With Appropriate Humidity Levels monstera lechleriana. Generally, Monstera thrives well in both medium to high humidity (40% to 60%) and warm temperature conditions (20 to 30°C or 68 to 86°F). The closer you try to mimic these conditions, the better for your plant monstera lechleriana. In an ideal home, a Monstera will absolutely thrive in a well-lit bathroom.. Rare Variegated Monstera Lechleriana Albo - Rare Home Plants. As the Variegated Monstera Lechleriana grows, it gives rise to big and lush beautifully wooed leaves that frequently have holes close to its central vein. The Monstera Lechleriana has a fast growth rate monstera lechleriana. Its mature leaves usually fan out as the plant climbs higher. The Monstera genus has at least 48 species, with most growing in the wild.. Joanna Gaines showcases her favorite exotic plants for living rooms. Monstera lechleriana (Image credit: Alamy) Monstera lechleriana are a rare variety of monstera that are identifiable by their 10in leaves with rounded holes near the central rib of the leaf. This plant grows plenty of leaves and can can grow up to around 7.5ft monstera lechleriana. These variations of monstera are hard to find due to their rarity and are expensive ..